We exist to BE and MAKE Disciples
Our guiding focus is to Strengthen Faith, Restore Hope, and Embody Love
Strengthen Faith
Engaging with God
We invest in spending time with God through reading scripture, prayer, and the practice of other spiritual habits. This helps us feel connected and stay in step with how God is moving.
Celebrating Jesus together
We come together regularly as a group for passionate worship where we sing, pray, study, and praise Jesus for who He is, what He’s done, and what He continues to do.
Investing what God gives
Every good gift comes from God including our time, resources, and talents. So we want to develop them and invest them the way God would want us to. With generosity, humility, selflessness, and joy.
Restore Hope
Staying focused
There are plenty of good things we could do in this world.  Often times good can get in the way of great. We want to keep it as simple as we can. That means spending our time doing only the best things, with excellence, to see God’s will for our community be fully realized.
Everybody having a job to do
We want to help people find their “sweet spot” where passion, talent, and opportunity collide in how God has built them to serve. God gave us all unique gifts and perspectives that we can use in unison to serve God and others in order to see lives changed by His love.
Showing God's love to others
Jesus demonstrated great compassion as he brought hope and healing during His time on earth. We want to practice that same service and care for those in need so they can get to know God in the work we do.
Embody Love
Keeping Life Groups central
These groups are the primary way we are able to experience deeper community and peer discipleship. We believe strongly in being fully known and fully loved as you walk through life with Jesus. Life Groups are the space for that.
Striving to be a healthy family
We are just a small part of a much larger church family.  Every family is dysfunctional in some way, but we want to practice humility in how we seek to encourage, support, seek unity, and partner with other believers in our church and with all followers of Jesus around the world.
Everybody getting a seat at the table
Although we all come from many different backgrounds, we want to strive to make sure everybody feels welcome, cared for, and has a safe place to connect with Jesus and His church.